Afraid of COVID? No more coffee, drink some tea!

““Tea, a friend of our immune defenses! “

The virtues of tea have been known for 2000 years in China. This extraordinary plant, camellia sinensis, consumed in its eco-responsible version, supports the body and strengthens it against attacks from the outside world. Unlike coffee, which is a stimulant and bad for the stomach, tea stimulates while purifying the body. Along with other plants from the Chinese pharmacopoeia, this drink is a real “preventive” and “supportive” treatment during the pandemic.

This is not a miracle product. Or obviously a vaccine! Understand us. Tea does not “cure” the terrible coronavirus, nor does it prevent you from catching it … But since this harmful agent attacks the elderly and sick more easily, we can deduce that it deeply infects less resistant bodies, – weaker immune defenses.

So how is tea likely to strengthen our immunity? Mainly because tea contains polyphenols …


Tea contains several types of polyphenols, a large family of antioxidants, the three main ones being: catechins, theaflavins and thearubigins.

More specifically, catechins are part of the flavonoid family; they are flavanols. Catechins are molecules that accumulate in certain plants, some of which are inedible. The catechins are used for the defenses of the plant. Catechins are known for their antioxidant properties

In general, green tea is said to have greater antioxidant activity than black tea, and the latter, in addition, should be drunk without milk and as a long brew.

Significant evidence of enhancing immunity through the use of antioxidant dietary ingredients has been obtained. 

A Natural anti-viral 

The antibacterial and antiviral effect of green tea is confirmed by a large number of scientific studies. The polyphenols in tea inhibit reverse transcriptase (used by retroviruses to transcribe the genetic information of viruses into DNA) and therefore the effect of viruses in general. In the case of a cold or “cold snap”, the onset of angina, or the flu, green tea can be a great ally. Good quality Japanese Sencha green tea is particularly effective for these situations (special preparation at 100 ° C for 2 min). It offers a powerful effect against cold snaps of all kinds when infused at high temperature in boiling water. This procedure extracts a considerable amount of these polyphenols which can unleash the full potency of their antibacterial and antiviral effect.

Stopping acidosis ?

Tea definitely eats the sugar in the body. We eat too much sugar in our Western society. Sugar is linked with heavy acidosis that is very dangerous for our immunity, making it really weaker. 

But in the same time some scientists say tea is « acidic ». Usually they say we have to prefer green tea than black tea, and if we drink it please add lemon ( acidic on the mouth but alkaline in the stomach). 

If you drink your tea with a good mineral water of a PH little more higher than 7 then the problem is solved. 

And this idea : « drinking tea is dehydrating, so it let the body more acidic » ? In a rare study where people drank nothing but tea for the 12 hour duration of the trial, there was no difference in hydration levels between them and the people who drank the same quantity of boiled water. When it comes to the consumption of coffee, one study did find a 41% increase in urine, along with a rise in the excretion of sodium and potassium.

But the question is more about the quality of the « caffeine » of the tea, called theine. Theine is basically linked with L-Teanine. So, the difference is huge. 

Less caffein, less stress

The main difference between the caffeine in coffee and tea is that tea has a lot less of it. A strong cup of coffee can provide 100–300 mg of caffeine, while a cup of tea may provide 20–60 mg.

But you have also to understand the quality of this « caffeine » is different as it linked with L-Theanine that is a very good molecule for our brain. Caffeine and L-theanine are pharmacologically important constituents of tea, especially due to their effects on the central nervous system. The effects of these two compounds are opposite: while caffeine is a well-known stimulant, L-theanine has a very relaxing effect.

Coffee also increases blood pressure ; causes tachycardia, if consumed in excess ; increases nervousness in individuals sensitive to stress.

And the stress is the most bad news ever for our immune defenses ! 

Finally, tea has a draining and naturally diuretic action too… So what are you waiting for ? 

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