PART I 3 baskets: 3 main candidates, 2 outsiders and 3 surprises The interviewed person is Frank Schwalba-Hoth (born 12 December 1952 in Hamburg, Germany) is a founding member of the German Greens and former Member of European Parlement (MEP). With his experience and expertise, this German key player living...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART VIII : TAIMENG Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4 billion inhabitants. In China...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART VII: The Jiu San Society Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4 billion inhabitants. ...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART VI China Association for Promoting Democracy (Min Jin) Many people believe that in China, just one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART V : China National Democratic Construction Association (CNDCA) Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART IV : ZHI GONG Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4 billion inhabitants. In...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART III : China Democratic League ( CDL) Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
PART II : Chinese Peasants and Workers Party Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4...
TEA, a friend of our immune defenses
Struggling against COVID ? No more coffee, let’s drink some tea ! The virtues of tea have been known for 2000 years in China. This extraordinary plant, camellia sinensis, consumed in its eco-responsible version, supports the body and strengthens it against attacks from the outside world. Unlike coffee, which is...
SERIES : Is CCP the only political party in China?
FIRST PART : GUO MING DANG Many people believe that in China, one political party rules everything. At the same time, a lot of people are curious to know how this great machine works, which runs a country as big as the whole of Europe and with 1.4 billion inhabitants....